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Give a second life to your kimono

by using it at shootings!


Our Philosophy

Give a second life to that kimono that is sleeping in your chest of drawers.
We keep them because we have precious memories connected with them. That is why we offer you to use it, to keep it alive by giving them a second life.
We are not a rental service where you won't even know how and by whom your precious kimono is used. At i-kasu, we let the professionals (stylists and shooting crew) use the kimono in professional shootings. 
Your kimono doesn't have to be high-class and beautifully decorated to be a part of i-kasu. It doesn't matter if it shows some signs of aging. Because there are various roles and various movie scenes, there are many cases when the pieces that seem to be in use are more requestable because they look more natural in daily scenes.
You are the one who decides the price you want to lend your kimono. Only the owner knows the true emotional value of the kimono. If you are in doubt, please refer to other kimonos on this site or contact us using the inquiry form. The actual price we put on site will be your desired rent fee plus i-kasu commission.
There is an option to register your kimono in i-kasu and leave it in your chest of drawers before it is required for shooting, and an option to have it totally managed at i-kasu. Of course, all the options are free of charge and don't require any annual charge or entry charge. Please check the details of the options below. If you have any questions or concerns, please use the inquiry form to contact us.

What you can register at i-kasu

Everything that is traditional Japanese clothes. We are happy to give second life to your old, damaged, and casual pieces as well. Kimonos, belts, coats, accessories, shoes, bags, yukatas, etc.

Options for using your kimono

【A】 Manage your kimono at i-kasu


After registration, we will manage your kimono here at i-kasu and will contact you by email whenever we have a requirement for using it. Whenever you want to get your kimono back, please let us know at least 3 days before the day you want it and we will send it to you.



Recommended for these who:

・ Want to keep the chest of drawers free from kimonos but don't want to say goodbye to them.

・ Want to get kimonos used but doesn't want to be concerned about arranging the shipping when the kimono is required.

【B】 Registration only

We will ask you to send the kimono to i-kasu and we will return it one week later after we take pictures and measurements to put it on this site.

We will contact you by e-mail or phone when your kimono is requested for shooting, and will ask you to send it and receiving it after the shooting is finished .


Recommended for these who:

・Want to use the kimono, while keeping it at home except the days it's required for a shooting.

【C】 Donation to i-kasu


We will use the donated kimono carefully with gratitude. If you wish, we will email you the details of the shootings it is used for.

Recommended for these who:

・ Is not intended to use kimono in the future, and wants to give it to a place where it would be carefully used.

・ Want to contribute to a service that promotes kimono as a part of Japanese culture.

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